Photography by Enoch Chan, 2008
Previously, I mentioned an internet fundraising campaign for Deviated Theatre. Well now I can regale you with the specific details.
Here is the low-down:
-- The product is Magazine subscriptions/renewals sponsored by Reader's Digest
-- Over 650 different popular magazine titles, available at up to 85% off newsstand prices
-- 40% of sales go right to Deviated Theatre
-- A good idea for those of you who have yet to get someone a gift for the holidays! But worry not, the fundraiser won't disappear after the new year, so you can still make purchases past Dec. 31st, 2008
-- For further questions or if you would rather donate to Deviated Theatre directly, check out Deviated's "support" page or contact choreographer Kimmie Dobbs at kimmie[@]deviatedart[dot]com.
If you own or are a part of a company or business that may be interested in purchasing a program ad for our January or March shows or donating an item toward our silent auction at American Dance Institute in March, please download the appropriate paperwork below:
Program Ad Form
Paperwork and ad image due to Kimmie Dobbs by Jan. 10th, 2009 (for Jan. ad), Feb. 22nd, 2009 (for March ad)
Silent Auction Form
Paperwork and auction item(s) due to Vanessa Strickland by Feb. 22nd, 2009
After you have filled these out please snail-mail or e-mail them to Kimmie Dobbs and CC me as well (strickland[dot]vanessa[@]gmail[dot]com). Address information is indicated on the forms.
Please indicate in your mail that you found out about donating through me.
Thanks everyone, and have an awesome holiday!