Don't let the title or my puns mislead you; rehearsing for "Why Torture is Wrong and the People Who Love Them" has been great so far!
I've never done Durang before, as I always had a stigma against him, having been told my entire adult acting life: "Never do Durang! It's overdone!" so I veered away from his work every time I came across his name. Now I'm diving headlong into Durang territory and it's been pretty rewarding. As a cast, we're at the point in the rehearsal process where we're making discoveries about the characters that aren't apparent just by reading a scene on paper. I'm sure before I know it we'll be making the next changeover from blocking to realizing the world with costumes, a set, and props, and tech week is only 3 weeks away!
It's been satisfying to figure out Felicity bit by bit- every time I visit the script or work a scene, something new is revealed to me. Different facets of her are becoming more apparent and I'm piecing together her idiosyncracies, her strengths, her vulnerabilities and how she communicates.
I like plays. :)